Some more thoughts

In the final hours of his life

Jesus asked God

if there was any other way

besides the cross.


Then he said

if it be your will

I will follow it


We make so many assumptions

about death;

That it is to feared, a punishment,

visited upon our last breath.


We simply don’t know,

what happens in the silence-

so we assume it is to be feared,

and we cling with violence.


‘rage,rage against the dying of the light’

was a wonderful poem

but was of terrible insight.


To fight nothing and no one

includes death too-

as Jesus prayed in the garden

his faith in God’s plan grew.


He accepted torture

when we’re asked to accept a simple passing-

I now embrace the love of Christ’s plan

for me, for everlasting



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About Ben Dooling

I began this blog shortly after being diagnosed with terminal rectal cancer. It has since begotten a short book of poems, most of the poems came from here. Cancer has taught me more than it has taken. It has shown me my gifts, and what an examined life is.

One thought on “Some more thoughts

  1. Ben,
    Your poem was so wise. One could just as well accept the dying of the light as rage against it. You are a gifted writer.
    Love to you,

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