Pacing on the patio,
the following thought hit me-
“The only reason we are born, is to find out why we were born.”
It burned in the center of my mind,
as I stared at the thought.
It had me reflect on a conversation
I had with a friend once.
“SO this guy says to me,”
says my dear friend Cliff,
“what’s your purpose?”
“And I said to him, ‘I don’t
need to justify my existence
to you; why do I need a purpose?
Why can’t I just be?'”
We were sitting
outside ‘Legal Seafoods’
just outside the
CHestnut Hill mall.
It was a warm, cloudless day
and I remember how silly
he always looked, with
the superman ring he always wore.
And now, just back from the patio,
and the magical little thought I had,
I agree with my friend.
Why can’t just ‘being’ be enough?
When someone says they’ve ‘found their purpose,’
they’e actually found a reason to justify
their existence.
Peace. Peace is the grandfather
of the universe, and its what I
savor above all.