Some decisions weren’t meant to be made.
The cessation of treatment for cancer
looms before me like a silent
waterfall of black water.
The writhing pain
of continuing
on this path is equally unthinkable.
I stand at the turning point,
seeking signs,
tapping into prayer,
staring at the sky.
Some decisions weren’t meant to be made.
How can I continue? How can I not continue?
The trumpets at the end of a great battle
lift into the air,
the scores of dead bodies
surrounding them
are wrapped in silent prayer.
I can almost hear those trumpets,
as I lumber across the battlefield
on my horse.
Out of the corner of my eye
I see a formless figure,
crying out among the slain.
It is made of a dimming light,
it’s limbs are sounds of great color.
It is my own spirit.
It is my own spirit.
Crying out: “No more.”
Holy cow! The beauty of the verse is in sharp contrast to the cruelness of the subject. Not fair. Not fair.