Dad, don’t let me feel like I’m letting you down
if I die.
Dad, we can’t control the hour of our deaths
and you can’t control mine.
Dad, I love you.
Dad, your denial will only cause you suffering,
more than is necessary.
Dad, be in harmony with is.
Dad, I’m sorry I never reached back when you tried to be close to me in the past.
Dad, seeking to control outcomes is a futile endeavor.
Dad, I wish to live, and I can’t do so without befriending cancer.
Dad, looking at this as a fight is looking at is engaging in a civil war in which no one wins.
Dad, I wish I had fulfliled your dreams for me.
Dad, painful as this is to write, chemotherapy can’t ‘cure’ anything.
Dad, I feel your buried pain.
Dad, I treasure our talks and time together.
Dad, it’s “Thy will be done,” not yours.
Dad, please help me to what I am asking you to do.
I can only imagine your dad’s reaction to this….what a wonderful piece my friend!
Ben I Love you so much. !